September 20, 2023

Rep. Shri Thanedar Leads Effort Calling on Speaker to Keep Promise to the American People to Advance Bipartisan Government Funding Bills to Avert a Government Shutdown

Washington, DC - September 20, 2023 - Congressman Shri Thanedar, ranking member of the Subcommittee on the Transportation and Maritime Security, House Committee on Homeland Security, joined 97 Members of the New Democrat Coalition on a letter sent to House Speaker Kevin McCarthy, calling for urgent action to advance bipartisan government funding bills. He issued the following statement: 

"In Congress, I'm doing everything within my power to keep the government running and working without interruption for the residents of Michigan's 13th Congressional District. I'm committed to collaborating with lawmakers from both sides of the aisle and both chambers of Congress to advance the bipartisan legislation required to prevent a costly and detrimental government shutdown.

Speaker McCarthy must reject the outrageous demands of the far-right fringe that are determined to shut down the government. He should join us New Dems in our ongoing effort to find common ground.

The Speaker made a promise to the American people in May to pass bipartisan legislation that keeps the government open. It's high time he kept his word and join the New Dems in our continued endeavors to pass essential bipartisan legislation that strengthens our nation."
