July 26, 2024

Congressman Shri Thanedar Launches Mobile Office Hours, Continues Top-Notch Constituent Services

Detroit, MI - Congressman Shri Thanedar will be hosting mobile office hours across the district for the next three weeks. Day and night, Congressman Thanedar’s district team will meet constituents across Metro Detroit to help them with veterans benefits, social security issues, and more. The Congressman’s team will be at Campus Martius Park from 12-3 pm on weekdays, and other locations will be announced on the Congressman’s social media sites. “Constituent services are my top priority,” said Congressman Shri Thanedar. “From Detroit to Downriver and everywhere in between, my team and I are committed to meeting you where you are to give you the help you deserve. These mobile office hours are another way I am committed to serving my constituents: if you miss us, you can reach me 24/7 at thanedar.house.gov.” 


Since taking office, Congressman Shri Thanedar has worked tirelessly to support his constituents. From hosting 21 Tele-Town Halls to help constituents in the comfort of their own homes to his extensive casework operation, Congressman Thanedar is committed to helping his constituents live a better life.