July 23, 2024

Congressman Shri Thanedar Strives to Improve Veterans’ Mental Health with Mental Health Care Provider Retention Act of 2024

Washington, DC - Congressman Shri Thanedar is proud to introduce H.R. 9091, the “Mental Health Care Provider Retention Act of 2024”. This bill will allow American servicemembers to continue receiving uninterrupted treatment with their current mental health providers after they leave active duty service. 

“Our servicemembers and veterans suffer from mental health issues at a disproportionate rate compared to the general population,” said Rep. Shri Thanedar. “We need immediate legislative action to help solve the mental health crisis affecting the members of our armed forces, past and present. By ensuring that our service members have continuity of their mental health care, my legislation will support our troops as they make the difficult transition from active duty service members to private citizens. We need legislation that fights for our service members in the same way that they have fought for us, and my legislation does just that.” 
