June 17, 2024

Rep. Shri Thanedar Sponsors the “Improving Access to Institutional Mental Health Care Act”

Rep. Shri Thanedar recently introduced H.R. 8767, “Improving Access to Institutional Mental Health Care Act.” This legislation would amend title XIX of the Social Security Act, removing the exclusion from medical assistance under the Medicaid program of items and services for patients in an institution for mental diseases. This change would make Medicaid services available to those receiving care in an institution for mental diseases.

“I lost my first wife to a mental health crisis,” said Rep. Shri Thanedar. “The pain was so deep. No one should have to experience something like that.” The bill aims to extend Medicaid support to those committed to an institution who lack support during their most critical times of need. “I am committed to making medical services available to everybody in our community, bridging any inequities that may exist in the medical field.”

Mental health must be prioritized to the same degree as physical health. “Silent, unseen battles are just as deadly as the ones visible to the naked eye,” said Congressman Thanedar. “It’s high time we started making mental health resources more accessible.”

Congressman Thanedar continues to advocate for the passage of bills pertaining to mental health to raise awareness of the ongoing crisis. “I’m happy to see widespread investment and dedication to legislation like these in Congress, but there is still a lot of work to be done.”
