June 07, 2024

Rep. Shri Thanedar Stands with the people of Romulus, Denounces Big Rail for their Public Safety Failures

Washington, DC - Rep. Shri Thanedar condemns big railroad companies for the massive risk to public safety that they have caused for the people of Romulus. 

“Big railroad companies like Norfolk Southern and CSX have no regard for the safety of the people of Romulus,” said Rep. Shri Thanedar. “As the Ranking Member of the Transportation and Maritime Security Subcommittee, I am committed to making our transportation system safer for all my constituents. There have been 3 train derailments in the past 4 years in Romulus. One of these train derailments caused two schools in Romulus to be vacated. From abandoning rail materials in the heart of Romulus to using the roads as an additional dumping ground, CSX and Norfolk Southern’s actions are causing great harm to the safety of the people of Romulus.” 

“On the Transportation and Maritime Security Subcommittee, I am fighting every day to hold transporters that put my constituents at risk accountable. We cannot wait for a fourth train derailment to give Romulus the safe transportation that every community deserves. I urge Norfolk Southern, CSX, and the other rail companies that travel through Romulus several times a day to treat this city with the respect it deserves, not as your personal dumping ground.”
