May 01, 2024

Rep. Shri Thanedar’s Plain Language in Contracting Act Passes House with Bipartisan Support

Washington, D.C. - May 1, 2024 - Congressman Shri Thanedar (D-MI) celebrated a significant bipartisan victory as the Plain Language in Contracting Act passed the House of Representatives. This important legislation, introduced by Rep. Thanedar and Rep. Nick LaLota (R-NY), aims to make federal contracting opportunities more accessible by ensuring that they are written in plain language, increasing the ability of small businesses to compete for government contracts.

“Having experienced the challenges of running a small business, I recognize the urgent need to cut through the jargon of the bureaucracy and provide clear, concise, and accessible information to our nation's small business owners,” said Rep. Thanedar. “With the passage of the Plain Language in Contracting Act, we are breaking down barriers and leveling the playing field, ensuring that small businesses have equal access to federal contracting opportunities.

The Plain Language in Contracting Act is the latest example of bipartisan success between Rep. Thanedar and Rep. LaLota. Their DOE and SBA Research Act passed the House earlier this year with unanimous support. This legislation aims to increase joint research and development activities between the Department of Energy (DOE), National Laboratories, and the Small Business Administration.

With the passage of this legislation, Rep. Thanedar reaffirms his commitment to fostering an environment where small businesses can thrive and succeed. As the bill advances to the Senate, Rep. Thanedar urges his colleagues to prioritize the interests of small businesses and swiftly pass the Plain Language in Contracting Act into law.
