April 04, 2024

Rep. Shri Thanedar's Statement on Current Situation in Haiti

Washington, DC - April 4th, 2024—The current crisis in Haiti demands urgent attention and a nuanced approach. I am deeply concerned by the deteriorating situation and ensuing humanitarian crisis.

Reflecting on John Conyers' dedication to justice, I urge Prime Minister Ariel Henry to pave the way for a government that truly represents Haiti, beyond the reach of criminal elements. Amidst a backdrop of violence, with Port-au-Prince ravaged by a combination of gangs, government corruption, and poverty fueled by colonialism, statistics from last year alone highlight a grim reality: nearly 5,000 murders, 2,000 kidnappings, and over 310,000 people displaced. This crisis calls for a unified response, resonating with Conyers' advocacy for human rights and the tenets of democracy. In addition, I fully support the U.S.'s recent commitment to providing $58 million in aid through USAID, aimed at addressing Haiti's humanitarian needs, reinforcing our collective effort towards a peaceful, democratic Haiti.

As we navigate the complexities of Haiti's socio-political landscape, we must draw inspiration from the life and work of John Conyers, whose tireless advocacy serves as a beacon of hope in the fight for justice and democracy. Let us heed the call to action with unwavering resolve, guided by the principles of equity, compassion, and solidarity, as we strive to build a nation that honors the inherent dignity and rights of every individual.
