Fighting Poverty

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Fighting Poverty

Understanding poverty firsthand, Congressman Shri Thanedar has relentlessly championed initiatives that create opportunity for hardworking families in Michigan's 13th Congressional District.

From a sweeping agenda that fights for higher wages and universal healthcare, to spearheading legislation specifically designed to spur small business growth, his efforts have been focused on empowering communities from the ground up. Take for instance, the "One Stop Shop for Small Business Licensing Act," a bill introduced by Congressman Thanedar that aims to simplify and lower the cost of the licensing process for small businesses—a move that will directly remove barriers to entrepreneurship.

In addition to originating transformative legislation, Congressman Thanedar has been a fervent co-sponsor of bills that align with his mission of economic upliftment. He co-led the "Small Business Workforce Pipeline Act," offering crucial support for apprenticeship programs through small business development centers. Furthermore, he has co-sponsored the "Supporting Small Business and Career and Technical Education Act of 2023" to ensure small business development centers are accessible to graduates of career and technical education programs.

Also on his list of co-sponsored bills is the "Investing in Main Street Act of 2023," which enables banking entities to invest a greater share in Small Business Investment Companies, thereby fueling local economies. These initiatives collectively work to bridge the gap between education, jobs, and small business success—key factors in fighting poverty and building a stronger future for Metro-Detroit.